Thursday 8 October 2009

Month 32 - Jonah

October's Through the Bible in Five and a Half Years is looking at Jonah - the most loved and most mis-understood of all the minor prophets. Starting at 7:30pm at 41 Linden Road on Monday 26th October.

Resources-wise, I'll be using James Limburg's and Peter C. Craigie's commentaries again. I'll also maybe look at a couple of animated films about Jonah including the recent VeggieTales version of the story and one from the Bible in Animation people. I also want to talk about the story of a "modern day Jonah". If you want to spoil it and read about that in advance, it's all here.

My friend Tyler Williams has also written various pieces on Jonah over at his Codex blog, including the insight that Jonah snored. There's also a good post on the book from Clayboy.

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